Monday, March 25, 2013

Le Puy En Velay

At the Market
After a great day at Lyon, we came back and got ready for our next trip on Saturday, March 24 to a very small town called Le Puy en Velay. We caught the first bus out of town at 9:10 in the morning. This was a very short bus ride. As we arrived we walked to the center of town to find the market. We could not miss the market; there were so many venders all over the town. While at the market, I picked up some fresh apples, broccoli, bananas, and some rotisserie chicken and potatoes. The market was very cheap. We all got fresh fruits and veggies for a low price! The market ended at noon, and soon after we explored the rest of the town until the last bus came at 6 in the afternoon. We went into so many cute shops and bakeries.

Throughout our journey in Le Puy we came across a public park called Bienvenue Au Jardin Henri Vinay. In this cute little park we saw some goats, doves, peacocks, and some deer. It was so cool to see all this animals especially the deer, because I am so accustomed to them back at home. There was a buck and a couple of does. They all had spots on them, and the buck had a big rack. I had to take a picture to show my dad and brother who are big hunters.
Le Puy en Velay was a very relaxing day, in a quiet town. It was nothing like the city. This coming week I start a new lab called Boulangerie which means Bakery in English. Basically, I will be making many different kinds of French Breads all week! See you all soon.
Notre Dame

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