Monday, April 29, 2013


This week was all about chocolate. I had a new chef this week as well, who I really enjoyed, even though he was sometimes hard to understand. His name was Chef Regis. During the week, we worked on making many different chocolate sculptures.

We made some small and easy chocolate sculptures, like ladybugs, caterpillers, and strawberries to bigger and more difficult sculptures. These included two artistic pieces and a character that we got to choose what it was doing.
During the first two days, we tempered chocolate and made some simple pieces. We started off with chocolate lady bugs and strawberries.
From there we worked on making pieces for our character, an angry bird pig, and our two artistic pieces. All of these chocolate sculptures were made by molding chocolate and sticking the pieces together.
Angry Bird Pig
Artistic Piece #1
For my character, I made a soccer player which was going to be me. My character was coming out great until the very end, when it was being sprayed. When it was being sprayed it fell over and a couple pieces fell off. Chef tried to fix it, but with the sun setting and shining in the classroom, it was melting the chocolate and not sticking. It was coming out great until then, but that's okay. Chelsea's character also had the same issue as me along with another girl from our table. We laughed it off and joked around about our pieces breaking to make it seem like it was okay.
Artisitc Piece #2
The next two days went better then the second day. We did not have any more broken chocolate sculptures to any of our artistic pieces. We had a buffet on Thursday as well to show off all of our chocolate pieces.

On Friday we had our final exam/final entremet project that we have been working and perfection the last couple of weeks. Mine came out great, and I am so glad we are done with it.

Our entire group and our entremets
My Entremet

This weekend I am back off to Paris for round 2!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Geneva, Switzerland

This weekend, we went to Geneva, Switzerland. We left early Saturday morning and caught a train to Lyon. We were originally going to spend the day in Lyon and leave later that day because we could not find any trains earlier. However, while at the Lyon train station I had to buy tickets to London, for when my mom and sister come up. While I was doing that, the other girls in our group were trying to purchase tickets to Geneva and found an earlier train. So we took that and we got to Geneva by 12:30 in the afternoon.

Giant Broken Chair

We spent our first half a day in Geneva by shopping and exploring the old town streets. We went in the very well known department store called Manor. This store had six floors and had everything you could possible want. It even had a supermarket on the bottom floor and a restaurant all the way at the top, which we ate at for lunch. This restaurant was more of a self serve buffet a la carte style restaurant. It was pretty good. We also went in many stores that Switzerland is known for, like swatches, and the Swiss knives.

Later that night, we adventures off to find our hotel. We booked our hotel in France, since Geneva was so close to the broader. From the center of the town, we had to take a Tram right to the boarder of France and Switzerland. From there we had to cross the border and walk to our hotel. The walk wasn't long; it was about a 15 minute walk. 
 The next day, we got up early and walked back to Switzerland and took the tram to some tourist attractions. We went and saw the giant broken chair, and the united nation building. It was so neat to see all of the flags hung that are part of the same nation.
United Nations
Jardin Botanique

From there we walked to Jardin Botanique. This was a very peaceful garden park. We took many pictures of the Beautiful flowers.
Our next stop was too the flower clock. We walked along side Lake Geneve until we came across the flagged bridge that we had to cross. Unfortunately the bridge had no flags on it. While walking we got to see the giant waterfall and Mount Blanc in the horizon. This is one ski area in Switzerland. We soon found the flower clock. This was a giant clock made all out of flowers. It was pretty cool, especially since Switzerland is known for watches.
Flower Clcok
After a very successful morning, we got lunch and took an afternoon train back to France. Our train left at 3:30 and was going directly to Lyon. It had a few stops in between. When we got close to Lyon, we had to stop and turn around because there was a fire on the tracks. This two hour train ride turned in a six hour train ride. Luckily for us someone who sat next to us was translating everything in English for us and was showing us a map, on how far we were away from Lyon. This guy was so nice. He even gave us chocolates. After waiting hours on the train, we soon learned that the station Lyon Part Dieu had no power. We had to go to another station nearby called Lyon Perrache. Our train was not permitted to go to this station. So, we had to switch trains. The guy who sat with us told us what was happening and asked if we would like to follow him to the other train. He waited and sat with us again until we arrived at the station. Since he knew where we were trying to get to, he took us there. We had to take the Metro to Lyon Part Dieu the original station we were trying to get to. He took us there and paid for our tickets because we had no coins and our cards did not work. Once we arrived at the station all of the trains were late and our connecting train was not on the big screen. We all went to the ticket counter which was crazy, and found our train on the smaller screens. It was 25 minutes late and we made the train. While going through this crazy adventure we were talking to this nice guy, who gave up his time to help us out. We learned a little bit about him as he learned a little bit about us. Half way through our adventure we learned his name and he learned our names. His name was Marc. He took us right up to the train and we said our goodbyes and Thank-yous. Five minutes later our train still had not moved and Marc came back on the train to give us his e-mail. He was such a great guy! Marc if you are reading this THANK-YOU again!

After a crazy adventure coming home, and making all of our trains, Switzerland was fun, even though it was only a short amount of time I got to spend there.
Lake Geneve
This coming week is all about chocolate! We will also be watching our French videos we made on Tuesday. This should be interesting.

Monday, April 22, 2013


M first week in PM classes was Glaces. This class was all about ice cream! Instead of waking up at five in the morning, I got to sleep in and go to class at one in the afternoon. Class got out at eight in the evening. If we were lucky and got everything done, we got out of class a little bit earlier.  Not only was this my first afternoon/evening class ever, but I also had a new chef this week as well. His name was Chef Pierre. I only have him for this one class, and he was very nice. He sometimes was hard to understand with his French Accent.

Glaces class was only a three day class. On Monday we had a trail day for making our entremet, for our project. This day was used to ask the chef any last minute questions and to start perfection our entremets before the real thing. On Friday was our mock day. We treated Friday as if it was the real thing and couldn’t ask the chef any questions.

Mock Trail Entremet
In Glaces, we made a lot of different ice creams to make many different desserts. For ice cream desserts, we made Ananas Givre, Granite aux fruits exotiques (granite), Vacherin vanille/fraise, Omelette norvegienne praline/chocolat, Nougat glace moderne, Macarons pistache/the vert, Verrine Mojito, and a Tarte glacee Caramel/fraise. 
Ananas Givre

An Ananas Givre is a frosted pineapple. The pineapple is cut up and filled with pineapple sorbet and then put back together in the shape of the Pineapple.

Vacherin Vanille/Fraise
 A vacherin vanille/fraise is a vanilla/strawberry ice cream entremet. This entremet had baked Swiss meringue for the base and was decorated with the meringue as well along with Chantilly cream. Inside the entremet were layers of vanilla and strawberry ice cream.  

Omelette Norvegienne
One of my favorites was the Omelette Norvegienne. This is known as baked Alaska. Inside of the baked Alaska was chocolate ice cream and praline ice cream. Both of these were among my favorite ice creams we made in class. For a base, the baked Alaska had a financier sponge, and it was topped with a chocolate Italian meringue. 

The Nougat Glace Moderne, is made with a frozen nougat, Pistachio dacquoise, and raspberry sorbet topped with a neutral glaze and macaroons.
Nougat Glace Moderne
Another dessert we made was the Macarons pistache/ the vert. This is a giant macaroon sandwich filled with pistachio and green tea ice cream.  

Macaron Pistache/the vert
Verrine Mojito
The verrine Mojito is a mojito filled in a glass with a rum mousse, a lime crumble, and a lime/mint sorbet.  
Finally, we have a tart Glacee Caramel Fraise. This is a caramel/strawberry ice cream, a strawberry coulis all filled on top of crunchy short bread.

Tart Glacee Caramel Fraise
 This weekend I will be traveling to Geneva, Switzerland!!! See you when I get back!

The Buffet

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This weekend was a very exciting weekend. Chelsea and I adventured off to Paris! We woke up early Saturday morning and caught a TER train to Lyon where from there we took our very first TGV high speed train to Paris. It was a quick ride and we made it to Paris by eleven in the morning.

Our room

Once we arrived we went off looking for our hostel. We found it very quickly as it was a quick three minute walk from the train station. We went to check in, but our room was not ready until 3:30 in the afternoon. So we dropped of our luggage and went to start exploring the beautiful city Paris. Our hostel was very sketchy. We were just hoping that our room wasn’t that bad. Luckily, it wasn’t. We were told we were going to have another roommate in our room as well, but she never showed up the first night. We were happy about that. The room was very colorful and had bunk beds. I got the top bunk. Our room was also right outside a neon sign flashing the word hostel. It was so annoying. Our room also didn't have a bathroom or shower in it. It was like being at school but worst.

Hostel Planet Blue

After we dropped of our bags we went to the metro station, and found our way to the Eiffel tower. We were confused at first with the metro, but once we figured how it ran we were pros at it! The Eiffel tower was beautiful. I was so happy to be there and was so amazed! Before we took pictures we stopped and brought some berets. I got a purple one and Chelsea got a black one. The guy there told us we were very pretty and to stop by at 7:30 at night for a tour he would give us. Yeah right, we weren't going on any tour with him. However, he did give us a free keychain. With our berets on we went to the Eiffel tower. It wasn't before long that we got stopped by some ladies who wanted us to sign papers for a deaf organization. We knew this was a scam and they were a pickpocketer as this was the same thing that happened to one of the girls at our school. We held on to everything and said no and kept walking. It was exactly what she explained.

Arc de Triomphe

After visiting the Eiffel tower we hoped back on to the metro to Champs-Elysees. We saw the Arc de Triomphe and went shopping. Our first store we wanted to go in was Laduree. This is a famous bakery/restaurant with some gifts in it as well. I got a really cute keychain that had three French macaroons, an Eiffel tower and the Laduree logo on it. I am not going to say how much I spent on it. Let’s just say it’s the most I spent on any keychain. I was definitely paying for the brand name.

The next day in Paris we got up early and went to the train station to finish booking our trip on the way home from Italy and Switzerland tickets for next weekend. We got lucky with coming home, we were having trouble but a cancellation popped up and it was a perfect fit for us, so we took it! 
Notre Dame

After we got the train all situated, we went off to Notre dame! We hopped on the metro and found it without a problem. This was a very cool cathedral. We took pictures of it and we got to go inside to check it out. It was so amazing to see the beautiful architecture and the all the stain glass windows and statues. Throughout the cathedral you could light a candle, so I lit one for my grandpa. We also got to attend a mass and receive communion. The mass was all in French, but they did do the second reading in English.

After the cathedral we walked around and did a little bit of shopping. Once the night fell, we got dinner and went to the Eiffel tower. Since we were there before it was dark out, we took a walk to the lock of bridge. This bridge was very cool; I have never seen so many locks before all in one place. It was crazy!! On our way back to the Eiffel tower, we could see that it was lit up. It was just as beautiful as it is during the day. It is a must see and it is so worth it.
Lock Bridge
When we returned back to our room later that day for lunch, we found out we had a roommate for the night. She was very nice, which Chelsea and I were both glad! We weren't sure about sharing a room with a complete stranger. At least she spoke some English! That was our last night in Paris as we left really early to catch a train back home Monday morning to make it back in time for class which we had to be there for noon.

This weekend has been so much fun and I can't wait to go back one more time with Chelsea and for a whole week with my mom and sister in May! This week I start taking afternoon classes and start working on my entremet project. I will be in ice cream this week. See you all soon!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Plated Desserts

 My last morning class here at ENSP was Plated Desserts. This meant I no longer had to wake up at five in the morning to be at class for six. The end of this class also marked the half way point.

Chef Richard and I
 Plated Desserts was a short class. It was only a three day lab because of the field trip on Monday and because of a midterm practical exam we had to take today, Friday April 12. Come to found out, I got a 94 on my midterm!! I am so happy. We had five hours to make Challah bread, and a Granny Noisette Entremet. 
Midterm Granny Noisette Entremet
I had Chef Richard again for this class.  Within the short three days, we made five different types of plated desserts. We made a chocolat Exotique, a Tarte au Fraise Verrine, Paire Belle Helene, a Tiramisu Revisite, and a Baba Exotique. 

The class and the buffet
Chocolat Extoique

The Chocolat Extoique had different layers of a whipped chocolate ganche, a passionfruit mango sorbet, a crumble, a chocolate sable, a passionfruit mango cream and jelly, raviole, a chocolate biscuit, and passion, mango, and chocolate sauce.
Tarte au Fraise Verrine
The Tarte au Fraise Verrine was made up of a pate sable, a citron mousse, a strawberry sorbet, strawberries, raspberries, red currants, and a citron nappage.
Poire Belle Helene
The Poire Belle Helene consists of poached pears, caramel pears, tuile, chantilly mascarpone, and vanilla ice cream. 

The tiramisu was made of a coffee biscuit, a coffee praline croustillant, a coffee whipped ganche, and chantilly mascarpone topped with chocolate decorations.
Baba Exotique
Finally, the Baba Exotique was made with pate a baba, coco whipped ganche, Ananas Citron Vert Vanilla which is pineapples marinated with brown sugar, lime zest, and vanilla bean, and finally it was topped with a lime sorbet.
On Thursday we enjoyed all of our desserts we made during the week with a buffet. A photographer who works for the school also came in this day to take professional pictures of us working and our finish products. We all got to wear the big chef hats instead of our little ones. Also on thursday, my group and I made our French video on how to make profiteroles. I can't wait to watch it and show all of you!
Chelsea and I with our tall chef
I really enjoyed my time in plated desserts, even though it went by quickly I still learned a lot and loved all the fancy desserts we made.
This weekend I am off to the largest city and capital of France. Paris!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Field Trip: Valrhona/Sicoly

Instead of having class on Monday, April 8, we all went on a field trip. We went to Valrhona, which is a Chocolate Company and then we went to Sicoly which is a Fruit Puree Company.

We left early Monday morning and took a bus at six in the morning. Our first stop was the Valrhona Chocolate Factory. We arrived there at nine in the morning. Right away we watched a short film on how the chocolate is made from the growing and shipping of the cocoa beans to the processing of the beans. After the film, we got prepared to start the tour of processing the chocolate. We had to take off all of our jewelry and jackets and leave everything in the room. We also all received headsets so we could listen to our tour guide as she told us what was happening in each machine. Before we entered where all the machines were we had to put booties over our shoes, put on a hair net, put on a gown, and wash our hands.
"The Outfit"
Chelsea and I
The factory was amazing. We saw the chocolate being made. We also got to taste each stage of the chocolate, from the melting down of the cocoa bean, to the melted bean with sugar added, to the powder, and finally to the chocolate. 

After the factory tour, we visited L’Ecole Du Grand Chocolat Valrhona which is a pastry school just like ENSP. We toured the school. It was very small, but also very nice. After the tour of the school, we finally got to go to the store to buy some Valrhona Chocolate! The store was our last stop of the Valrhona Company, and of course I brought some chocolate!
Our next stop was Sicoly. This is a French fruit puree Company where we also got to tour the factory and see and learn how fruit puree is made. Once again, we had to suit up and wear the booties, a hair net, and a gown. This factory was huge. They make many different types of fruit puree from fresh to frozen fruits. At the end of the tour we got to sample a whole bunch of purees. They were pretty good.

Monday was a great day and great break from classes. The rest of the week I will be in Plated Desserts.