Thursday, April 11, 2013

Field Trip: Valrhona/Sicoly

Instead of having class on Monday, April 8, we all went on a field trip. We went to Valrhona, which is a Chocolate Company and then we went to Sicoly which is a Fruit Puree Company.

We left early Monday morning and took a bus at six in the morning. Our first stop was the Valrhona Chocolate Factory. We arrived there at nine in the morning. Right away we watched a short film on how the chocolate is made from the growing and shipping of the cocoa beans to the processing of the beans. After the film, we got prepared to start the tour of processing the chocolate. We had to take off all of our jewelry and jackets and leave everything in the room. We also all received headsets so we could listen to our tour guide as she told us what was happening in each machine. Before we entered where all the machines were we had to put booties over our shoes, put on a hair net, put on a gown, and wash our hands.
"The Outfit"
Chelsea and I
The factory was amazing. We saw the chocolate being made. We also got to taste each stage of the chocolate, from the melting down of the cocoa bean, to the melted bean with sugar added, to the powder, and finally to the chocolate. 

After the factory tour, we visited L’Ecole Du Grand Chocolat Valrhona which is a pastry school just like ENSP. We toured the school. It was very small, but also very nice. After the tour of the school, we finally got to go to the store to buy some Valrhona Chocolate! The store was our last stop of the Valrhona Company, and of course I brought some chocolate!
Our next stop was Sicoly. This is a French fruit puree Company where we also got to tour the factory and see and learn how fruit puree is made. Once again, we had to suit up and wear the booties, a hair net, and a gown. This factory was huge. They make many different types of fruit puree from fresh to frozen fruits. At the end of the tour we got to sample a whole bunch of purees. They were pretty good.

Monday was a great day and great break from classes. The rest of the week I will be in Plated Desserts.  

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